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You are here: Sealing Home » Proudct » Compression Packing
ImageDescription of the product (click to view details)Model
Carbonized fiber packing impregnated with graphite
Carbonized fiber packing impregnated with graphite...

Aramid fiber packing impregnated with PTFEAramid fiber packing impregnated with PTFE

White PTFE & aramid PackingWhite PTFE & aramid Packing
AIFLON 2220 White PTFE packing with aramid corners AIFLON 2222 White PTFE aramid in zebra braided packing...

Graphite PTFE & aramid packingGraphite PTFE & aramid packing
AIFLON 2230 Graphite PTFE packing with aramid corners AIFLON 2232Graphite PTFE & aramid in zebra braided packing...

Nomex Fiber packingNomex Fiber packing
Nomex Fiber packing...

Aramid fiber packing impregated with silicone without PTFE
Aramid fiber packing impregated with silicone without PTFE...

White PTFE packing with aramid cornersWhite PTFE packing with aramid corners
White PTFE packing with aramid corners...

Graphited PTFE packing with aramid cornersGraphited PTFE packing with aramid corners
Graphited PTFE packing with aramid corners...

Nomex fiber packing with silicon rubber coreNomex fiber packing with silicon rubber core
Nomex fiber packing with silicon rubber core...

Pure PTFE packing free oilPure PTFE packing free oil

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